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Skyline attends the 6th National Non-ferrous Metal Preparation/Processing Tech Exchange Conference

The release date:2020-07-27 Source:原创 viewed:1950

Skyline attends the 6th National Non-ferrous MetalStructural Material Preparation/Processing and Application Technology ExchangeConference

The 6th National Non-ferrous Metal Structural MaterialPreparation/Processing and Application Technology Exchange Conference has beensuccessfully concluded. This conference has set up 9 sub-venues, invited manyrelated well-known entrepreneurs to participate in the conference, andcollected as many as 330 professional papers.

Although scientific theory and practical research arenot the same, they do not lose their internal connections. Especially today,cross-domain and cross-technology interactions are becoming more frequent andcommon, and the connection between theory and practice is getting closer.

This conference is fortunate to invite experts andprofessors from Central South University, University of Science and TechnologyBeijing, Nanchang Hangkong University and other universities and researchinstitutes to share their research and application results in the field ofnon-ferrous metal materials in recent years, as well as more possibilities forthe future The bold imagination and discussion of the interaction. The elites ofHunan Skyline Smart material Technology Co., Ltd are also very rewarding andworthy of this business trip in terms of the acknowledgement and praise fromcustomers, which is more valuable than orders, as we do manufactureadvanced&sound quality powder production systems, heat treatmentfacilities, powdered products sintering equipments, powder modificationmachineries.

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